The Hunger of the Gods continues John Gwynne's acclaimed Norse-inspired epic fantasy series, pack...
The Shadow of the Gods begins a brand new Norse-inspired epic fantasy series from bestselling aut...
In einer Welt erbaut auf Blut und Knochen kann es keinen Frieden geben ...Die Verfemten Lande hab...
Düster, episch, mitreißend: Diese Saga stellt alles in den Schatten!Der Krieg ist ausgebrochen un...
The Banished Lands are torn by war as the army of High King Nathair sweeps the realm challenging ...
Sie dachten, der Krieg sei vorüber. Doch nun wissen sie, dass sich der wahre Feind erst gegen sie...
Called a 'Hell of a debut' by bestselling author Conn Iggulden, Malice by John Gwynne is the firs...
The Banished Lands are consumed by war. Calculating Queen Rhin has conquered the west and high ki...
BRAVE THE SHADOWSWIELD THE SWORDA race of warrior angels once defeated a mighty demon horde. Now ...
DEFY THE DARKNESSDEFEND THE LIGHTAt the battle of Starstone Lake, Drem and his friends witnesse...
BATTLE THE DARKRECLAIM THE WORLDThe King of the Otherworld is finally free. Armed with fearsome s...