A comedy murder mystery set in France with an amateur sleuth out of his depth. When an older gent...
A crew is staying at Richard's B&B while filming at a nearby chateau. But when a beloved actor su...
Exploring everything from thermo-dynamics to sold state physics, and relating the physics in comi...
The sequel to Death and Croissants - now optioned for TV - by leading TV radio comedian Ian Moore...
A bold exploration of the human brain's potential by the internationally bestselling author of Th...
When an English expat is brutally murdered, his charred corpse left on a Loire Valley hillside, t...
A courageous and intimate memoir of China framed in ten telling words: a Duckworth contemporary c...
An optimistic account of how the Nordic countries can teach us to live easier, healthier, happier...
Happy with each other, Reginald and Sylvia think they just want the quiet life. But when success ...
Jenny Windell is obsessed with murder mysteries, so when she discovers her aunt dead at her count...
Gentle chaos sets in when Mr Pim calls in to see George Marden, owner of Marden House, and announ...
Chloe Marr is beautiful and so irresistible that countless people fall in love with her, and frie...