With shades of Clarice Lispector, Mavis Gallant and Lucy Ellman, this late-period novel by the es...
In her latest work, Annie Ernaux recounts a relationship with a student thirty years her junior -...
Essayism is a personal, critical and polemical book about the genre, its history and its contempo...
Taking the form of random journal entries over the course of seven years, Exteriors concentrates ...
An extraordinary evocation of a grown daughter's attachment to her mother, and of both women's st...
Told in rhythmic, propulsive prose that weaves seamlessly from one consciousness to the next over...
Written in melodious and hypnotic 'slow prose', A New Name: Septology VI-VII is a transcendent ex...
A story of remote violence and a work of praise for a persistently lively world, brilliantly writ...