While on an expedition to seek out the magical creatures of themountains around her home, Hilda s...
Felipe the Cactus just longs to be hugged, but no one is keen to hug a cactus... he heads out on ...
A fascinating illustrated guide to the exotic creature of the deep, from what they eat to how hum...
Deep in the library is a book that tells of giants and elves, woffs and deer foxes, and all manne...
'Hilda and Twig would never let a bit of rain get in the way of an adventure, but it's different ...
Filled with inventiveness, groundbreaking art and unmissablequirkiness, Emily's work is a beautif...
A detailed visual narrative of Shackleton's infamous journey to America. Ages: 4-7yrs.
Based on the hit Netflix series, join Hilda as she visits Tofoten, a fairy village, and uncovers ...
Hilda stumbles upon Tontu, a lost house spirit, Plunged into the secret world of the Nisse, Hilda...
'When Nyla is forced to leave her home in the country to start life again in the city, all she ca...
'Outside of dreams Stardog is the last of her kind and one night, heavy with loneliness Stardog f...