Neil Bartlett's groundbreaking debut novel, now available as a Serpent's Tail classic, with a new...
A fearless work of creative non-fiction about racism in cultural pursuits by award-winning poet C...
Nearly a century had passed since Languedoc had been put to the sword in the Albigensian Crusade,...
A thrilling compendium of our deepest fears and obsessions by the bestselling author of The Suspi...
Oscar Wilde said 'Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life.' Was he right? In Civilisati...
Everything you ever wanted to know about how animals live together, and what that means for us.
A genre-defying love story that illuminates all love stories.
Two women in seventeenth-century Paris are drawn into the volatile and mysterious Affair of the P...
The classic guide for leaders on turning difficulty into advantage.
'First they get married, then they get buried' ... you can run from a family curse, but you can't...
A piercingly dark and surreal speculative novel on mass panic, disaster response and modern mascu...
An urgent debut set in multicultural London which takes the reader on a frightening journey into ...