A powerfully brave debut novel from Angie Thomas, 'The Hate U Give' explores what prejudice looks...
Join Wally on his quest through magical and bizarre fantasy lands, in this 20th anniversary edition.
'Sometimes you are a whisper away from magic without even realizing it.'Nine is an orphan pickpoc...
Wry, witty and very funny diary-style story packed with doodles and comic strips about the frustr...
Loki's fourth doodle-packed diary in the number one best-selling series.Loki has made a fair few ...
A clever, hilarious and engaging retelling of the rise to power of Lady Jane Grey; now adapted in...
The much-anticipated new picture book from Oliver Jeffers and Sam Winston, the bestselling and aw...
A hilarious story about the world's worst detectives by the bestelling author of the Alex Rider s...
Loki's third doodle-packed diary in the number one best-selling series.When Heimdall and Hyrrokki...
Join fabulous vampire Vlad as he learns to embrace his pink cheeks and and find his confidence!Vl...
Cordelia has lost everything that matters to her. After fleeing to Paris, Cordelia hopes to forge...